Association of America* Family Caregiver Alliance/National Center on Caregiving* National Stroke Association* Acoustic Neuroma Association* Brain Trauma Foundation* National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC)National
Acoustic Neuroma An Issue of Neurosurgery Clinics The Clinics Surgery
Binding: Hardcover
Studio: Saunders
Topics include a selection of classic articles covering the optimal treatments for vestibular schwannoma by experts in the field: Microsurgical Anatomy of Acoustic Neuroma; Imaging of Acoustic Neuromas; Conservative Management of Acoustic Neuromas; Selection of Surgical Approach to Acoustic Neuroma; Retrosigmoid Approach for Acoustic Tumor Removal; Translabyrinthine Approach for Acoustic Tumor Removal; Transotic Approach to the Cerebellopontine Angle; Middle Fossa Approach for Acoustic Tumor Removal; Intraoperative Monitoring of Facial and Cochlear Nerves during Acoustic Neuroma Surgery; Cochlear and Brainstem Implantation; Surgical Approaches and Complications in the Removal of Vestibular Schwannomas; LINAC Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy Treatment of Acoustic Neuromas; Stereotactic Radiation Techniques in the Treatment of Acoustic Schwannomas; Guiding Patients through the Choices for Treating Vestibular Schwannomas.
Manufacturer: Saunders
Price: $110.00 USD
How to Treat Brain Tumor
, ependymoma), or its coverings (meningiomas, pituitary tumors, pineal tumors), or the nerves at the base of the brain (acoustic neuromas, schwannomas), or even from outside the brain (metastatic brain tumors) . This last case occurs when
Understanding Vertigo
sclerosis, neck injuries, epilepsy, some forms of migraine, cerebellar and brain stem tumors and acoustic neuroma can be vertigo.There is no common treatment for vertigo. Your physician has to do a complete medical evaluation to find out
Acoustic Neuroma Keio University International Symposia for Life Sciences and Medicine
Binding: Hardcover
Studio: Springer
With increasing numbers of reports on surgical and nonsurgical treatment of acoustic neuroma, standardization of reporting systems has become more and more important. For that purpose, the 11th Keio International Symposium for Life Sciences and Medicine, the Consensus Meeting on Systems for Reporting Results in Acoustic Neuroma, brought together researchers from Japan and other parts of the world. This volume is a compilation of papers from the symposium on standardization of evaluation and reporting systems for acoustic neuroma from such aspects as tumor size, facial nerve function, pre- and postoperative hearing, the effect of radiotherapy, and neurological symptoms. This unique book is a valuable reference for clinicians, researchers, and other professionals working in neurootology, neurosurgery, otolaryngology, audiology, and related fields.
Manufacturer: Springer
Price: $209.00 USD
An Acoustic What One patients Acoustic Neuroma journey
Binding: Paperback
Studio: Seriol House
Just how did an uncontroversial and mild mannered piano teacher become the first UK patient to cross the Atlantic to be treated by Dr Gil Lederman using Fractionated Stereotactic Radiosurgery? The journey began in 1995 when I was diagnosed with a benign brain tumour; an acoustic neuroma. At the time I was advised to have it removed surgically; a long and complicated procedure with serious side effects. So I searched for a less intrusive treatment. It was a very lonely and difficult journey as friends and family wanted me to follow medical advice and have surgery. It took two years to find the treatment, during which time I was denied information, given misleading information and given false information. This book tells the medical and personal story. I hope it will help those who are facing difficult medical decisions, and their friends and family.
Manufacturer: Seriol House
Price: $14.50 USD
Detailed Information on Neurofibroma
develop. People who have central neurofibromatosis develop tumors in the auditory nerves (auditory tumors, or acoustic neuromas) on both sides of the body. The tumors may reason hearing loss and sometimes dizziness, as early as age 20.
Acoustic Neuroma Tumor Removal Surgery: Why not in India
. So medical treatments in India are very low when it is compared with the cost of medical treatment in US and UK. For more details on acoustic neuroma tumor Removal surgery in India visit and enquiry@